Peer Reviewed Publications
- Simulations for Supporting and Assessing Science Literacy
Quellmalz, E.S., Silberglitt, M.D., Buckley, B.C., Loveland, M.T., & Brenner, D.G. (2016).
- Model-Based Learning
Buckley, B. C. (2012).
- Model-Based Teaching
Buckley, B.C. (2012).
- Science Assessments for All: Integrating Science Simulations into Balanced State Science Assessment Systems
Quellmalz, E. S., Timms, M. J., Silberglitt, M. D, & Buckley, B. C. (2012).
- 21st Century Science Assessments
Quellmalz, E., Davenport, J, & Timms, M. (2012).
- 21st Century Dynamic Assessment
Quellmalz, E. S., Timms, M. J., Buckley, B. C., Davenport, J., Loveland, M., & Silberglitt, M. D. (2012)
- How Can Simulations Be Components of Balanced State Science Assessment Systems?
Quellmalz, E.S., Silberglitt, M.D., & Timms, M.J. (2011).
- The Promise of Simulation-Based Science Assessment: The Calipers Project
Quellmalz, E.S., Timms, M.J. & Buckley B. (2010).
- Looking Inside the Black Box: Assessing Model-Based Learning and Inquiry in BioLogica
Buckley, B. C., Gobert, J., Horwitz, P., & O’Dwyer, L. (2010).
- Exploring the Role of Technology-Based Simulations in Science Assessment: the Calipers Project
Quellmalz, E.S., DeBarger, A.H., Haertel, G., Schank, P., Buckley, B C., Gobert, J., et al. (2008).
- Technology and Testing
Quellmalz, E.S. and Pellegrino, J.W.,Science 323(5910): 75-79 (2009).
- Quality Science Simulations for Formative and Summative Assessment
Quellmalz, E.S., Davenport, J., Timms, M., & Buckley, B., WestEd, (2009).
- Using Science Simulations to Support Powerful Formative Assessments of Complex Science Learning
Quellmalz, E.S., Timms, M., & Buckley, B., WestEd, (2009).
- Human Body Systems: Using Simulations to Foster Integrated Understanding of Complex, Dynamic, Interactive Systems
Brenner, D., Buckley, B., Grillo-Hill, A., & DeBoer, G. (2016), DR K-12 Cadre Annual Meeting.
- SimScientists Games
Quellmalz, E., Brenner, D., Grillo-Hill, A., Silberglitt, M., Underwood, J., & Holt, L. (2016), DR K-12 Cadre Annual Meeting.
- Calipers II: Using Simulations to Assess Complex Science Learning
Quellmalz, E., Timms, M., & Buckley, B. (2012), DR K-12 Cadre Annual Meeting.
- Supporting Model-based Teaching and Learning with Simulation-based Instruction
Buckley, B. C., & Quellmalz, E. (2011), European Science Education Research Association.
- Designing Simulation-Based Assessments for Model-Based Teaching and Learning
Buckley, B. C., Quellmalz, E., Brenner, D., Davenport, J., Loveland, M., Silberglitt, M., & Sussman, A. (2011), European Science Education Research Association.
- Tapping Into Student Knowledge About Science Systems
Davenport, J., Quellmalz, E., & Timms, M. (2010), 32rd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Portland, OR.